Moving Words 2025 Summer
Writing Clinics

Grounded in the way successful writers write: 
Everyone is original, Everyone has genius, and Everyone is a writer.


Elementary Writing Roots Clinic

Instructor: Sara Yamasaki
Elementary Writing Roots is a place where tender writers experience a burst of writing freedom, reclaiming their trust and imagination in themselves, their ideas, and their ability to express who they are.

Elementary School Clinic Location:
Madrona, Seattle
For students entering Grades 4-5 in Fall 2025

Session One
(Session One is full. Register to get on waiting list.)

July 21-22, 10am - noon
Tuition: $400

- OR -

Session Two
(Session Two is full. Register to get on waiting list.)

July 24-25, 10am - noon
Tuition: $400

Middle School and High School Brainstorming Clinics

Instructor: Peggy Sturdivant
The Middle and High School Brainstorming Clinics focus on the first, most generative stage of the writing process. Students learn how the brain finds ideas and practice various techniques to access them. These techniques can be applied to many types of writing, whether personal or academic, essays or stories. The Middle/High School clinic makes a great jumpstart to the college essay.

Middle School and High School Clinic Location:
Ballard, Seattle
6412 34th Avenue NW, Seattle 98017

Middle School Clinic

July 28-30, 10am - 3pm
Tuition: $875
For students entering Grades 6-8 in Fall 2025

Middle/High School Clinic

August 4-6, 10am - 3pm
Tuition: $875
For students entering Grades 6-12 in Fall 2025

Adult Workshop Brainstorming Basics:
Help Your Student Start (and Keep) Writing 

Instructor: Peggy Sturdivant
This one-day workshop teaches parents and teachers several brainstorming techniques so they can better support their students to find ease and access to ideas that are often stuck in their heads. The adult clinic is one three-hour session.

August 9, 10am - 1pm
Tuition: $150

Adult Workshop Location:
Ballard, Seattle
6412 34th Avenue NW, Seattle 98017