“Since this clinic has started, I’ve loved being here. I have finally found my voice. I have learned more in this writing clinic than I have ever learned in any English class I’ve ever been in at school.”
— Student
“Right away I could see that the teachers loved their work and are good at doing it. I also could see kids who did not want to come here in the beginning, very quickly did not want to leave. Like me. The writing clinic helped me express my ideas on paper better than I have ever done before.”
— Student
“There was an unbelievable environment in the writing clinic. Every time I read a comment on my paper or sat down to talk with Sara, I knew she genuinely valued everything I produced. This writing clinic was not something I did for two weeks and then forgot. The things I learned can be found in every piece of writing I produce. I am more confident and proud of my work.”
— Student
“Before coming here it was hard for me to get my voice out through writing. Now when I am writing I just can’t stop because I have so many thoughts to put down on the page. ”
— Student
Quotes from parents
“My daughter used to hate to write. She thought she was only good at math and she never shared her thoughts with us. Now the gate is open. What used to be stuck in her head pours out verbally and on paper, and I can feel the joy in her expression!”
— Parent
“My son fought with us about taking this class, but once he was there he became a completely new person. Now he can finally express himself without self-consciousness and the more he does this, the more ideas come to him and he writes and writes. Last summer his grade point was 1.9 and he needed to repeat English. Now he is a 4.0 student, he loves school and his favorite class is English! It’s a joy to see him.”
— Parent
“I have never been drawn in so emotionally by a group of writers. This clinic really pulled out each writer’s individuality. Whatever you do, it really works.”
— Parent
“My son emerged from the workshop more confident than I’ve seen him in a long time—maybe ever.”